Frohe Weihnachten – Frohes Fest
Unser französischen SummitClimb-Team verbrachte ein Frohes Fest auf Ski in den Pyrenäen. Gleichzeitig begann mit der Weihnachtszeit unsere Bergsaison in Afrika.
weiterlesenSelected dates:
Stamina - Endurance
A mountain athlete needs endurance above any other specific fitness skill. Cardiovascular fitness is of course always subject to the movement (as climbing rocks or steep ice, you will not be able to transfer your triathlete or running fitness to mountains without being solid in the required mountaineering skills).
Selected dates:
Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, München oder Wien (und andere Orte EU)
Special conditions: We are happy to accommodate your/your requests. The basic price with waiver of high camp service only makes sense for very experienced mountaineers!
We offer special packages for:
Mountain work: The expedition leader and Russian mountain guides help (with full service) and carry a higher share of group gear. However, you have to be more involved than on many other expeditions (Nepal, Pakistan). There is no "Sherpa" mentality, only on request we can hire a personal guide for you.
Total approx. 13-15kg backpack
Service: If this seems too heavy for you, you can alternatively book a personal guide / porter service.
There is only one monopoly provider for the transfer, which in turn relies on support from the government of Tajikistan. There may be delays for days. We point out the risk of delay - this has to be accepted as part of the adventure by you/you as a participant.
There are our services detailed regarding the prices.
Not included:
Note - Changes: Here follows an ideal itinerary for the expedition. Delays in arrival, especially helicopter transfers and due to weather and conditions on the mountain must be considered.
Helicopter - Important note: There is only one monopoly provider for helicopter transfers, which in turn depends on support from the government of Tajikistan. There may be delays for days. Please be advised of the risk of delay and change in itinerary. The residual risk for expedition planning and delay lies with the participants.
On day 26 there is an early helicopter schudule for shorten expedition (please contact us).
Requirements: The ascent is carried out in independent self-reliant rope teams under the guidance of the expedition leader (in case of less than 6 participants of the Russian and English-speaking mountain guide). To participate it is necessary to act independently in alpine terrain and camping in winter conditions.
Danger notice: Each participant takes part in this expedition independently and at his own risk. Altitude and cold bring extreme subjective dangers (due to the lack of oxygen increased: technical errors, misjudgments) and objective dangers (weather falls, cold, etc.). Due to the remoteness and altitude, rescue options are extremely limited.
Note - Dangerous Route(s): There are unavoidable objective hazards on both mountains. Avalanches and icefall (seracs) are a hazard on the route to Camp 1 at Peak Communism. An unstable glacier (serac) and rockfall can occur on Korzhenevskaya below / resp. above Camp 1.
Comparison: Basically, there are objective dangers on all expeditions and we try to minimize them by choosing the route and ascent time. Climbing other 7000m mountains in the SummitClimb-program such as Baruntse (7168m), Pik Lenin (7134m) and Lakpa Ri (7045m - under Trekking) are associated with much less objective dangers.
20. Jul - 16. Aug 2025
You can call us at:
+49 (0)30 774 9034
Or send us an e-mail: